Event rescheduled: Minister Kean to launch the fourth edition of the energy briefing on Wednesday 10 November at 2.00pm AEDT
Thursday 28 October 2021
On Wednesday 10 November at 2.00pm AEDT we'll be launching the 2021 edition of Navigating a dynamic energy landscape: a briefing for Australian business, as well as an accompanying guide, Leveraging tax incentives to improve energy performance.
Panel discussion on Australia's dynamic energy landscape in 2021
We'll be joined by an esteemed panel of industry experts, who will discuss what businesses can do to manage the risks - and capture the opportunities - of Australia's energy and net zero transformation. This panel will be moderated by Luke Menzel, CEO of the Energy Efficiency Council, and will include:
Sally Townsend, Head of Sustainability, Blackmores Group; and
Wei Sue, System Lead - Sustainable Corporates. ClimateWorks Australia; and
Holly Taylor, Head of Projects, Energy Efficiency Council.
Blackmores is Australia’s leading natural health company, but the company's leadership doesn't stop there, having made a commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. Sally is going to walk us through exactly how they're going to achieve that, providing insights into how other businesses can thrive in a net zero economy.
Sally will be joined by Wei, who co-authored ClimateWorks Australia's most recent report Corporate action for 1.5 degrees: Best practice for Australian company net zero commitments and will provide analysis on why the activities of Blackmores and other leading businesses are changing the debate in Australia, and how applying four best practice principles for net zero targets will help businesses reap the rewards of the transformation.
And I'll then I'll provide an update on how businesses can leverage the Federal Governments tax depreciation incentives to undertake energy upgrades, further improving the business case for cutting energy costs and transitioning to net zero.
But the fun doesn't stop there...
Keynote address from the Hon. Matt Kean MP, NSW Treasurer and Minister for Energy and Environment
Minister Kean will provide an update on what NSW is doing to support NSW and Aussie businesses with achieving net zero emissions by 2050. But don't worry, it's not a stump speech, Energy Efficiency Council CEO, Luke Menzel, will be putting him to task, getting some real answers as to how businesses can thrive in a net zero economy.
Register now to join us at 2.00pm AEDT on Wednesday 10 November!
If you previously registered for the launch you will be automatically registered for this rescheduled event.
And please feel free to share this information within your networks, and encourage them to sign up for updates here.
About Navigating a dynamic energy landscape
There is an enormous amount of information on energy in the public domain, yet it can be hard for business leaders to extract what matters for their businesses.
Navigating a dynamic energy landscape: a briefing for Australian businesses is an executive-level briefing designed to cut through the noise and help businesses confidently navigate Australia’s dynamic energy landscape.
The sector spotlights and other resources that accompany the briefing exist to support this aim.
This initiative is delivered by the Energy Efficiency Council with the support of industry and the NSW Department of Industry, Planning and Environment.
To learn more visit energybriefing.org.au.
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